Log Canoe Pendant Small
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Tags: boats, ladies gifts, Log Canoe, nautical, race boats
Category: Horse Design Pendants and Medallions, Nautical Collection
From our Nautical Collection, Tempi brings you the Chesapeake Bay Log Canoe. This is the only place in the world these boats exist and race. Originally a waterman's work boat, they beagn to "race home" after a day tonging oysters, to get the best price for the day's catch. Today there are few of these older boats in existence, and they have been altered more for racing. Amazing to see in person, I have the distinct pleasure to observe these races each year and the passion of the "sailors'" has brought this Log Canoe Collection to Tempi Design. https://www.chesapeakebaylogcanoes.com/ The boats a long and narrow with a substantial crew. As the wind moves the boat by sails, severla "spring boards" are cast on the windward side and several crew members climb ontop of the board to balance the strength of the wind. In a high gust or puff these boats do flip over.
For photos go to : https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS794US794&sxsrf=ALiCzsZ1ZRJokAhXyLYZVX1nN5uYnrFp-A:1651275657302&q=chesapeake+log+canoe+sailing&tbm=isch&chips=q:chesapeake+log+canoe+sailing,online_chips:canoe+racing:KBym2pMG63U%3D&usg=AI4_-kQnVbb-uev2RdsDT1hp4BfN0Rg2vg&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiS9-qXubr3AhWRcc0KHY-GC6cQgIoDKAR6BAgWEA4&biw=1024&bih=462&dpr=1.88
This is a small pendant of a Log Canoe. It measures 1 inch tall including the bail x 5/8 inch wide. The Boat has raised releif in full sail with the"kite" sail up. The contemporary shape is squared with corners angled.