Horse Design and Horse Shoe Rings

Regular price $55.00
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 Double English Stirrup Ring  This was one of my very first ring designs.....I have taken the English stirrup and faced the bottoms towards each other, but leaving a small space. A future design will have a stone inserted here....
Regular price $119.00
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Horseshoe Nail Ring with White Sapphires   I have been asked over and over for a Horseshoe Nail Ring. I had to have a different approach than any I could find available, and keeping it simple and adding stones was the answer. T...
Regular price $69.00
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Irish Coin Ring     This coin ring is the  Irish 20P   [which size is 35millimeters round]   in a smaller version measuring 3/4 inch across.  Lovely  and sizeble piece, the ring sizes available are 7, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12  Sterling...
Regular price $98.00
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Another newbie for 2024! A sizeable ring featuring a fancy trot horse. This sculpted full bodied horse  is a sideview pushing from behind and foreleg outreached.  This is a large size ring measuring  5/8 inch x  3/4 inch wide a...
Regular price $95.00
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A very handsome ring in the signet style of our ever favorite Piaffe Horse. This raised relief has the correct contours even for a small version of a horse in this motion. Originally requested by an FEI rider as a buckle, this ...
Regular price $45.00
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A favorite ring of the Farrier's Nail with no stones set in it, allowing a different price point. The design has the authentic nail head texture and tapers  some for a very wearable band width of 1/8 inch.  A customer request, ...
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Tempi has taken our favored driving pony and fabricated a ring. The band is a cigar type band which is very tapered on the underside. The pony has full bridle and blinders and he wraps in a gentle curve around your finger.  The...
Regular price $69.00
In stock
7 Horse Shoe Ring  Very small Horse Shoe with Nail detail. Almost indiscernible as horseshoes, with the up and down stacking. Tempi loves to create designs that don't always scream  "Equestrian". The band is a bit tapered under...

Ring jewelry is a very personal choice. Hand crafted horse rings at Tempi Design Studio are created with that special desire to remind of us of the majestic horse.  From a simple but detailed horse shoe ring to a Piaffe Horse cigar band, Tempi creates rings in a multitude of styles.  Our classic dressage horse ring has the option of 8 sparkling stones set into the mane, and our horse shoe nail ring has the option of 4 white sapphires to ad just a glow to the band.  Men’s horse shoe rings are built heavier.  More designs are added quarterly. Browse our online selection for the very best of horses rings.

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