Horse Design and Horse Shoe Rings

Regular price $55.00
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 Double English Stirrup Ring  This was one of my very first ring designs.....I have taken the English stirrup and faced the bottoms towards each other, but leaving a small space. A future design will have a stone inserted here....
Regular price $69.00
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7 Horse Shoe Ring  Very small Horse Shoe with Nail detail. Almost indiscernible as horseshoes, with the up and down stacking. Tempi loves to create designs that don't always scream  "Equestrian". The band is a bit tapered under...

Ring jewelry is a very personal choice. Hand crafted horse rings at Tempi Design Studio are created with that special desire to remind of us of the majestic horse.  From a simple but detailed horse shoe ring to a Piaffe Horse cigar band, Tempi creates rings in a multitude of styles.  Our classic dressage horse ring has the option of 8 sparkling stones set into the mane, and our horse shoe nail ring has the option of 4 white sapphires to ad just a glow to the band.  Men’s horse shoe rings are built heavier.  More designs are added quarterly. Browse our online selection for the very best of horses rings.

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